Saturday, November 14, 2009

More "construction", a roomate, & an abscess!!

Well, its been an interesting two weeks at the Kotz Hotel. There have been many changes for Lola and she has been handling it well. First change came a week ago when four loads of lime were put into Lola's pen!! My Dad had some lime delivered so we could help control the mud issue. Thanks goes to Joe Boge for helping with moving the lime with his skid loader! Always appreciate your neighbors! The next change came when JD returned home after an extended stay at the "Moore Retirement Pasture". We decided the put JD with Lola because each one of them needs special feeding arrangements and it would make chores much simpler having both horses separated off from the rest. Plus it gives Lola a companion and with the cold winter approaching it will be good for the both of them! So let me tell you about JD....

JD is a 30 something grade horse that has been in our family for over 10 years. We purchased him from the Herbst family and he was my horse for many years. I showed him in 4H and local shows, attempted to ride him in western pleasure (head set was way to high), and even tried to run a few barrels...JD is not very fast. He was a great trail horse though and did great in parades. I eventually moved from JD to Buddy and then to Hank! JD has been a great family horse and has given many pony rides to not only kids but also adults. In July I received a call from a family friend of ours, Tammy Moore, and unfortunately one of their horses had passed away and their other horse, Smokey, was very upset, so I offered to Tammy JD to be a companion for Smokey for as long as they needed. JD went to the Moore Retirement Pasture and really enjoyed himself but the day did come that JD had to return home. Now he is a companion for Lola!

When we put JD in with Lola at first he really didn't care and to be honest wasn't too happy. He kept pacing up and down the fence like he wanted to get back out in the pasture with the rest of the horses but eventually he settled down. Though Lola and him are not the best of friends and I think there is a mutal understanding between the two that they just stay out of each others way. The same weekend we put JD in with Lola we made two feeding stantions that would allow the horse to walk in and eat with out the other horse pushing them out of the way. This helps us in feeding and being sure that each animal is getting the feed that they need. Lola's feeding program is similar to JD's. Lola gets six pounds of Equine Senior and a pound and half of Strategy with two pounds of Amplify per day. Where as JD's feeding program is eight pounds of SOAKED Equine Senior per day. JD's feed is soaked to help him better eat since he does not have many teeth.

Now to the abscess. As many of you know we have been dealing with this abscess for some time now and I have good finally blew! Tim McDermott came out and took out part of it up in the toe one day but the abscesss actually then moved back to the heel where we were encouraged by Dr. Beecher and Tim to continuing soaking the foot in Epsom Salt and warm water. Plus Dr. Beecher had us put a Davis Boot on rather than just using the duct tape to keep the hoof covered. Last Monday the abscess let go and you could tell immediately! Lola began to walk around much better and we are back on the road to recovery!

If you would like to see more pictures of Lola and her time at the Kotz Hotel you may become a fan of Three Rivers Town & Country Store on Facebook and check out the photo albums.